Special Contests


Open to: Any family (one entry per residence) in Warren County Fair Area. Open to groups (one entry per group), either junior or adult. Open to businesses (one entry per business).
Bales must be registered with the Fair no later than July 1, 2025.
Any size of round or square bales of straw or hay may be used. Wrapped, painted or natural bales may be used.
Display must be on private property or land owned by the group and 10 feet away from fence line.
Bale(s) to be decorated to represent something you would see at the Fair (i.e., fruit, vegetable, animals, etc.) or our 2024 theme of “Pennsylvania Fairs: Flourishing with Opportunity Rooted in Agriculture”
Bale to be accompanied by a sign clearly stating “See You at the Warren County Fair, August 4-9.” SIGN MUST BE VISABLE FROM THE ROAD.
Display must be in place July 11 – August 10. The committee will judge entries on site.

All entries will receive an 8X10 inch picture to be displayed at the Fair in the back of the Stone Building (red).


Christmas trees must be artificial and 3 to 4 feet high with no lights (Do not include electric or battery-operated lights on tree.) Trees may be displayed on floor. Take Christmas Trees to Sewing Department in back of the Stone Building (red) to enter. More information will be in the premium book which will be available in June.


One entry per exhibitor. Rock size must not exceed 4” length x 4” width x 2” high. River rocks can be used since they are smooth and work best for painting. Colored pencils, oil pastels, chalk, acrylic paint, or Posca paint pens can be used to make the design and the rocks can be painted prior to making the design. Nothing can be added to the rock that is non-biodegradable such as stickers, gems or decoupage. After painting seal the rocks with clear spray paint, gloss or matte. Painted rocks will be judge on visual appearance and creativity. For all ages – pre-teen, teen, adult. Take Painted Rocks to Sewing Department in back of the Stone Building (red) to enter. More information will be in the premium book which will available in June.


The goal is to depict the theme “Candy Land” in your entry. It can be anything associated with candy or the board game Candy Land,  Participating categories are in Departments 15, 17, 18, 19 for cupcakes, cookies, cakes, floral, needlework, sewing, painting or drawing and crafts.  All Candy Land entries will be displayed together and not in the departments in which they were entered. For questions call Laura at 814-730-8336.


A Fairy Garden is a miniature landscape where a tiny fairy could dwell. It may include miniature pathways, dwellings, furniture, etc. and must contain soil, real flowers, and plants in a low-sided, shallow, waterproof container (no artificial/silk flowers/plants).

The length or diameter of the container should be NO bigger than 18” and NO higher than 12”.

Take Fairy Gardens to Sewing Department in back of the Stone Building (red) to enter.  Do not take Fairy Gardens to the Floral Department. More information will be in the premium book which will be available in June.

Countdown to Fair 176 Days 2 Hours 40 Minutes 30 Seconds