
Exhibit Rules

1. All exhibitors agree to be bound by the rules and regulations of the Warren County Fair.
2. The Fair Management reserves the right to amend or add to these rules and regulations as its judgment may determine.
3. During fair week reasonable care will be taken to protect all exhibits on display from all injury and damage, but the Fair is not, in any way, to be held responsible for accidents, loss or damage by water, fire, theft, or otherwise, whatever may be the cause or extent of the damage or loss. Exhibits not removed during the stipulated removal time allotted by the Fair are the responsibility of the owner; the Fair cannot assure the well being of the exhibits.
4. Entries will be made according to classifications as listed in Official Premium Book. Application for entry must be signed.
5. Premiums, as listed, may be given for meritorious exhibits. In cases where there is no competition, judges may give an award such as they deem the exhibit is worthy to receive. Same rules apply where there are fewer entries in any class than the number of premiums offered. The judges may, at their discretion, award a prize or prizes of such grade as the exhibit deserves. The fair reserves the right to determine how many entries they will accept from any exhibitor in the same class, or in the case of livestock, the same breed, and poultry, the same species. The decision of the judges shall be final in all cases except where mistakes, fraud misrepresentation or collusion, not discovered at the time of award, is proved. All protests regarding judging must be made in writing, and must plainly state the cause of the complaint or appeal. Such protest must be filed at the Fair Office within 24 hours of the occurrence. The case may be appealed to the Fair’s Executive Board from whose decision there can be no appeal.
6. It shall be the responsibility of the exhibitor to make known the proper name of the article or breed of livestock he is entering. any item entered improperly will be disqualified to receive a prize, but the judges will mark the correct name on the entry tag for the benefit of the owner so the same mistake in entering need not be made the second time.
7. All entries must be grown, produced or made in the county since the last fair. (Except where the fair accepts exhibits from other counties or states.)
8. Superintendents of a department reserve the right of refusing to accept any entry. Furthermore, the superintendents reserve the right to bar from competition animals, vegetables, flowers, poultry, products and manufactured articles of decidedly inferior quality and those not possessing sufficient merit to warrant recognition.
9. Chairpersons of a department reserve the right to disqualify and remove from area any exhibitor whose behavior is disruptive to exhibiting and judging of entrees. Such person may be barred from future fair exhibiting.
10.The Fair Board of Directors may, at any time, order the removal of any exhibit or part of exhibit in poor condition and any article unfit to show may be excluded. No ribbon, trophies, awards, or exhibits may be removed at any time before the close of the fair. No trucks may enter the barn area prior to release time. Failure to comply will result in the forfeiture of premiums.
11. During the judging, buildings, except livestock arenas, are to be closed to everyone, except fair officials, judges, and necessary attendants. No exhibitor or his agent shall communicate with the judge during time of determining the awards, except to answer questions proposed by the judges. Any exhibitor interfering with the judges while making awards shall forfeit any premium to which he would otherwise be entitled.
12. All livestock for premium must be the property of the owner thirty (30) days or longer.
13. No person shall be allowed in the ring while stock is being judged, except judge, superintendents and necessary attendants.
14. Should any animal awarded a prize be disqualified, the animals gaining the lower prize shall move into the next higher position if, in the opinion of the judges, the animals are worthy of such prizes.
15. Overfitting of cattle will be discriminated against. Any artificial means used to change the form or shape of any animal will disqualify it from competition.
16. When on exhibition in the ring, each animal must be under halter, except oxen, and in charge of owner or employee.
17. Joint ownership considered to be as one owner in accordance with registration paper.
18. Any junior exhibitor may be required to prove ability to reproduce entry, in any department, in the presence of a qualified person. All ages as of January 1st.
19. Any equine may be subject to a blood test.
20. Champion awards or trophies will be awarded only if there is competition within the breed, division or event.

Countdown to Fair 142 Days 2 Hours 10 Minutes 44 Seconds