March 26
9:00 – 10:00 am Warren County Fair and Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Warren County
Seed to Supper Meet & Greet
at Fair Office more info….
April 12 & 13 Winter Storage Release
Holiday Camping May 22-26
Memorial Day Weekend Check-in Thursday May 22 Check-out Monday May 26 Holiday Camping at the Fairgroundsmore info….
April 25 6:00 pm Weigh-in
April 26 4-H Knowledge Day
April 30 9:00 – 11:00 am Warren County Fair and Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Warren County
Seed to Supper Class #1
In Grange Building more info….
May 7 9:00 – 11:00 am Warren County Fair and Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Warren County Seed to Supper Class #2
In Grange Building more info….
May 10-11 Camp Giddy Up Go
May 15 Warren Electric Meeting
May 28 9:00 – 11:00 am Warren County Fair and Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Warren County Seed to Supper Class #3
In Grange Building more info….
May 30 – June 1 Cowboys Mounted Shooting more info….
June 1 Fair Camping Payments Due Camping payments to camp during fair week must be made by June 1, 2025. Payments must be checks or money orders and mailed to the
Warren County Fair. Information is on our website
The only way our fair takes payments for camping
is by check or money orders and mailed directly to the fair office.
June 7 Pittsfield Bronc Busters
June 13-14 Shriner’s Fund Raiser
Live Country Music from 5:00 pm-11:00 pm on Friday June 13th 11:30 am until 11:00 pm on Saturday June 14th. 50/50 raffles, $1,000 cash giveaway, 300 plus basket raffle items 2 big surprises Food will be available. No alcohol on the fairgrounds. Camping is available at $35 per day which includes water, electric and a dump site on premises. Advanced sale $7 for entire weekend $10 at the gate. For more information call 716-753-6641.
This is not a Warren County Fair function. Questions, call 716-753-6641
June 21 Scandia Trailblazer Round Up
June 25 9:00 – 11:00 am Warren County Fair and Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Warren County Seed to Supper Class #4
In Grange Building more info….
Holiday Camping June 27-July 6
4th of July Check-in Friday June 27 Check-out Sunday July 6 Holiday camping at the Fairgroundsmore info….
June 29
10 am – 4 pm Rumble at the Fairgrounds Cruise-In more info….
August 27 9:00 – 11:00 am Warren County Fair and Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Warren County Seed to Supper Class #5
In Grange Building more info….
Holiday Camping August 28-September 1
Labor Day Weekend Check-in Thursday August 28 Check-out September 1 Holiday camping at theFairgrounds more info…
September 6-7 Wild Wind Folk Art & Craft Showmore info…
October 11 & 25 Winter Storage – Camper, Boat, Car, etc.